Saturday, 31 October 2015 chronomancer Continuum Split guide guild wars 2 gw2 Heart Of Thorns L4in mesmer tips tricks tutorial [GW2] Guild Wars 2 Guide - Chronomancer tutorial from a long time mesmer-only player. Includes Continuum Split/Shift tricks by L4in Hey all, I made a thread a few days ago called Chronomancer review as a long time Mesmer-only player . It was rather well received and made...
Thursday, 30 July 2015 fractals Guild Wars 2 Guide Iris-Ng mesmer Mesmer's Blink tutorial [GW2] Guild Wars 2 Guide - Guides to Mesmer's Blink in Fractals [by Iris-Ng] Hey everyone, I made a mini guide to showcase how a mesmer can use Blink (and sometimes Portal) conveniently in Fractals. There aren'...
Wednesday, 16 October 2013 classes elementalist engineer guardian guild wars 2 gw2 gw2 classes guide mesmer mmorpg necromancer ranger video game warrior [GW2] "What class should I play?" - A summary of each profession to help you decide One of the most common questions asked on this subreddit is �What class should I play?� In Guild Wars 2 you're not confined to a cert...