Monday, 23 February 2015 CGSN elementalist elementalist pvp guide guild wars 2 gw2 pvp guide video game [GW2] GW2 PvP - Ember Elementalist D/F Signet Build & Guide by CGSN PvP build and gameplay guide! This is a melee hybrid-damage (dagger/focus) build that offers high defensive options and incredibly high da...
Wednesday, 16 October 2013 classes elementalist engineer guardian guild wars 2 gw2 gw2 classes guide mesmer mmorpg necromancer ranger video game warrior [GW2] "What class should I play?" - A summary of each profession to help you decide One of the most common questions asked on this subreddit is �What class should I play?� In Guild Wars 2 you're not confined to a cert...