Friday, 24 July 2015 guardian Guardian PvP guide Guild Wars 2 Video Razldazz [GW2] Guild Wars 2 Video - Guardian PvP Builds Guide | Meditation Guardian [Razldazz] In this video I'll be covering everything about Meditation Guardian in Guild Wars 2 PvP. This is the updated video from my last guide I...
Thursday, 7 May 2015 dragonhunter guardian Guardian's Elite Specialization guild wars 2 gw2 Heart Of Thorns mmorpg video game [GW2] Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns � The Dragonhunter, Guardian's Elite Specialization The Dragonhunter is the Guardian's Elite Specialization for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns. It�s a ferocious big-game hunter that specia...
Tuesday, 26 November 2013 guardian guardian build guide guardian dps guide guardian support guide guild wars 2 gw2 [GW2] Guardian Build DPS/Support Greatsword/Staff Guide by: Sxalpha Hello! Build�s in the attachment. This build focuses on being useful in a team setting providing high DPS and support w...
Wednesday, 16 October 2013 classes elementalist engineer guardian guild wars 2 gw2 gw2 classes guide mesmer mmorpg necromancer ranger video game warrior [GW2] "What class should I play?" - A summary of each profession to help you decide One of the most common questions asked on this subreddit is �What class should I play?� In Guild Wars 2 you're not confined to a cert...