Thursday, 22 October 2015 guild wars 2 gw2 Heart Of Thorns hot video game [GW2] Guild Wars 2 - To-do list for guilds before HoT launch Reminder from the Guild Halls Team Good day, Back in June, Link Hughes shared a blog post in which he discussed Rethinking Guilds . We of...
Monday, 19 October 2015 colin johanson ColinJohanson guild wars 2 gw2 Heart Of Thorns Heart of Thorns launch video game [GW2] Guild Wars 2 - Handful of notes relevant to Heart of Thorns launch by ColinJohanson Hey folks, Wanted to give you a quick heads up on a handful of notes relevant to Heart of Thorns launch in a few days: Guild Missions: Wee...
Thursday, 15 October 2015 countdown guild wars 2 gw2 Heart Of Thorns video game [GW2] Guild Wars 2 - Heart of Thorns Countdown We�re down to just eight days now until the launch of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns� ! This is an extremely exciting time for everyone. We ...
Saturday, 26 September 2015 arenanet guild wars 2 gw2 gw2 hot Heart Of Thorns trailer video game [GW2] Guild Wars 2 Video - Heart of Thorns Launch Trailer Watch the official launch trailer for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns, the first expansion of Guild Wars 2 coming on October 23! You can pre...
Monday, 31 August 2015 guild wars 2 gw2 halycon8 Heart Of Thorns video game [GW2] Guild Wars 2 - A condensed list of HoT features by halycon8 4 maps, some containing 3 "biomes" - all containing many new events New races of npcs and monsters Repeatable adventures with lead...
Monday, 17 August 2015 Chill_AxE Dailies Dailies guide guild wars 2 Guild Wars 2 Guide gw2 video game [GW2] Guild Wars 2 Guide - Easy Dailies [by Chill_AxE] So in the past year, since the current daily system was introduced, my Guild and I decided to create a simple guide to find locations to do...
Friday, 10 July 2015 2015 borderlands guild wars 2 gw2 new borderlands 2015 video video game woodenpotatoes [GW2] Guild Wars 2 - Gameplay in the new Borderlands by WoodenPotatoes Today I had the chance to play the new WvW borderlands, this video contains my general thoughts as well as footage of a variety of the con...
Tuesday, 7 July 2015 guide Harvesting Only leveling video game wigglecandy [GW2] Lvl 2-80 from Harvesting Only in 44:40:00 by wigglecandy - Guild Wars 2 Level 80: 44 hours and 40 minutes Gathering Boosters used : 41 Speed Boosters used : 6 Total gold after TP taxes : 463g 53s 32c Esti...
Monday, 6 July 2015 Areann guild wars 2 mmorpg The basics of GW2 video game [GW2] The basics of GW2 and how it's different from other MMORPG by Areann A lot of new players around so: The basics of GW2 and how it's different from other MMORPG Not quests but Dynamic Events in PVE In G...
Corvus guild wars 2 video video game [GW2] Corvus Composes - The Lion's Roar by Corvus - Guild Wars 2 [Music - 3:51] The Lion's Roar - A Tribute to Lion's Arch After hundreds of years, living through the rule of the White Mantle, th...
Friday, 3 July 2015 Celestial Condition Engineer engineer guide guild wars 2 gw2 Koroshi mmorpg sir koroshi video game [GW2] Koroshi - Celestial Condition Engineer [SPVP/WVW] - Guild Wars 2 Celestial Condition Engineer Stream: - Website: - Buy Guild Wars 2 & expansion @ www.b...
Tuesday, 30 June 2015 guild wars 2 gw2 mmorpg Shinryuku video game Warrior Build warrior guide [GW2] HAMtastic Warrior Build v5.0 Guide by Shinryuku - Guild Wars 2 HAMtastic Warrior Build v5.0 Guide Here is the fifth major revision of the HAMtastic build! This iteration drops some aspects of the build ...
Monday, 22 June 2015 Curse Entertainment Guild Halls guild wars 2 gw2 Heart Of Thorns video game [GW2] Everything to Know about Guild Halls in Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns by Curse Entertainment Everything you need to know about Guild Halls in Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns, including pre-purchase packages and more. More info: http://w...
Tuesday, 16 June 2015 guild wars 2 gw2 ShoutBow Build Tap Dat Mouse video game warrior ShoutBow Build [GW2] Gw2 - Warrior PvP ShoutBow Build (Meta) Guide - Combos, Tips & Tricks by Tap Dat Mouse Warrior PvP ShoutBow Build Guild Wars 2 (Gw2) Warrior PvP ShoutBow Build Commentary Guide of current Meta Build! Ultimate Gameplay showing...
Saturday, 13 June 2015 arah guide Arah Path 3 guide Badly Mannered guild wars 2 gw2 video game [GW2] Guild Wars 2 - Arah Path 3 Thief/Guard Duo GUIDE by Badly Mannered [SRRY] Arah Path 3 Thief/Guard Duo GUIDE So we did our best to put together a guide of how we personally run this dungeon. I hope you guys enjoy ...
Friday, 12 June 2015 guild wars 2 gw2 Lord Hizen video game wvw WvW Montage [GW2] Guild Wars 2 : Epic Ranger WvW Montage Vol.1 by Lord Hizen Ranger WvW Montage Guild Wars 2 ranger wvw, power massive build vs all classes, duel's, high dps, japanese anime voices, roaming, show ...
Thursday, 11 June 2015 guild wars 2 Specializations Specializations guide specializations update video game woodenpotatoes [GW2] Guild Wars 2: Specializations Are Coming by WoodenPotatoes Guild Wars 2: Specializations
Tuesday, 9 June 2015 Gaming with GS guide guild wars 2 gw2 Jute Scrap Farming video game [GW2] Guild Wars 2: 2015 Easy Jute Scrap Farming by Gaming with GS A quick and easy way to farm for Jute Scraps in Guild Wars 2 This video will show you two of the best ways to get Jute Scraps, through Que...
Saturday, 6 June 2015 guild wars 2 gw2 revenant gameplay Ventari ventari gameplay video game woodenpotatoes [GW2] Guild Wars 2: Ventari Revenant Gameplay by WoodenPotatoes Ventari Revenant Gameplay So this is what invoking Ventari looks like! Also included is staff and the salvation specialization. Heals, su...
Friday, 5 June 2015 guild wars 2 gw2 Tap Dat Mouse video game warrior build guide wvw [GW2] Gw2 - Legendary Warrior WvW Gameplay Showdown! TDM vs BAMBI by Tap Dat Mouse Guild Wars 2 (Gw2) Legendary Warrior Gameplay TDM vs BAMBI WvW Showdown Commentary! Stream Montage! Ultimate Legendary Roaming Warrior Bui...