Monday, 23 February 2015 guild wars 2 gw2 Heart Of Thorns Heart Of Thorns guide mmoinks video game [GW2] GW2 HoT: Prepartion guide for HoT by mmoinks Here are just a few idea that you can do now for HoT while we wait for more news and the expansion itself. "Produced with the help of A...
Monday, 26 January 2015 guild wars 2 gw2 Heart Of Thorns Heart Of Thorns guide information MedicantBias66 video game [GW2] Guild Wars 2: Heart Of Thorns confirmed info by MedicantBias66 TL;DR New profession, new group challenges, there will be 3 parts of the Maguuma jungle to explore, the treetops, the heart, and the roots...