Tuesday, 21 July 2015 Condi Guardian Build guardian build guide guild wars 2 Guild Wars 2 Guide gw2 Obal pve [GW2] Guild Wars 2 Guide - [DnT] Condi Guardian Build Guide for PVE [by Obal] Here is a guide for condi guardian. It is close to the meta in terms of damage so it is a good alternative for those who dislike meta or ...
Saturday, 27 June 2015 [DnT] DEKeyz2Chaos Elementalist Guide guild wars 2 gw2 pve [GW2] [DnT] Guild Wars 2 PvE Staff Elementalist Guide, June 2015 by DEKeyz2Chaos PvE Staff Elementalist Guide A build guide for staff Elementalists in Guild Wars 2 following the June 23, 2015 balance patch. Includes trai...