Friday, 24 June 2016 Cruelmonster1 guild wars gw2 raid guide Stronghold of the Faithful Xera [GW2] Guild Wars 2 - How to tank Xera [Stronghold of the Faithful] by Cruelmonster1 Hey Guys, I'm the tank for my guild group [Qs] and tried some different routes to tank Xera. I wanted to share the way that we think ...
Tuesday, 10 May 2016 Brodernot2 guide guild wars gw2 raid tips [GW2] Guild Wars 2 - Beginner Raid Guide by Brodernot2 This is an update to my previous raid guide found here:
Wednesday, 20 April 2016 guild wars gw2 patch notes spring update woodenpotatoes [GW2] Guild Wars 2 - The Spring Quarterly Update Detailed Patch Info by WoodenPotatoes Oh my god what a massive update! We had heard a few small things here and there before now but Arenanet *really* did a good job here and ha...